State Required Information: 2022-23

Board Meeting Minutes

KIPP Delta Board Meeting information, minutes, and audio are posted on the Board Meeting page of this website.

View Board Meeting Page

Comprehensive Financial Data Reports

FY23 Revised Stipends and Salary Schedules
2022-23 District Fiscal Policies
Annual District Budget
FY23 Salary & Leave List
State and Local Revenue Sources 2022-23
Monthly Expenses
Administrator and Teacher Salary & Benefit Data
Legal and Building Fund Balances


FY23-Dyslexia Report
2022-23 School Calendar
Personnel Policies
Shorten School Day or Homebound Services Procedures
KDPS ESSER Spending Plan
All Schools' Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Plans
Minority Teacher and Administrator Recruitment Plan
FY23 Statement of Assurance
FY23 Student and Family Handbook
Annual Statistical Report
State and Local Revenue Sources
SY23 District Support Plan
School Level Improvement Plans
KIPP Delta Public Schools Wellness Policy
Immunization Exemptions
KIPP Delta Public Schools Notice of Non-Discrimination
Intent to Apply for 21st Century Learning Grant
Updated 2022-23 Continuity of Services Plan
Summer Food Program

Non-Discrimination Statement

KIPP Delta Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability age in its program and activities and provides equal access to all educational programs and activities sponsored by the District. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

For Section 504 and Title II Contact:
Danyell Rattler
Special Education Manager

For Title IV, Title, IV, and Title IX Contact
James Boyd Jr.
Executive Director

The commitment of KIPP Delta Public Schools to the most fundamental principles of academic freedom, equality of opportunity and human dignity requires that decisions involving students and employees be based on individual merit and be free from discrimination in all its forms.

It is the policy of the KIPP Delta’s Board of Directors there will be no discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or handicap/disability in placement, instruction and guidelines of pupils; the employment, assignment, training or promotion of personnel; the provision and maintenance of physical supplies and equipment; the development and implementation of the curriculum, including the activities program; and in all matters relating to the instruction, supervision, administration, and Board policy development.

Individuals with complaints concerning personnel, curriculum, discipline (including specific discipline policies), coaching, or the day-to-day management of the schools should address those complaints as follows:

  1. Contact the principal to conference with the teacher, coach, or other staff member against who the complaint is directed
  2. File a written appeal with the principal stating a reason for disagreement
  3. File a written appeal with the superintendent

Other than in the few instances where statutorily allowed or required, student discipline and personnel matters may not be discussed in Board meetings. Individuals with complaints regarding such matters should follow the sequence outlined above.

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